11 September 2011

Rhombus Illusion

YouTube | io9

To watch in 3D, cross your eyes until the two images overlap and merge together. When watching in 3D, we will see the following optical illusions:

1. The spinning rhombus appears to switch directions
2. Striped band appears to rotate in the opposite direction of the rhombus
3. Red cube floats in space
4. Red cube becomes transparent
5. Red cube rotates impossibly
6. The light falling on the rhombus appears to come from a source opposite its real source

This illusion is remarkable once we manage to observe it, but the effect may not be visible right away. We may have to replay more than once for the effect to assert itself.

*The rhombus illusion was created by Terry Pope as a target for the Pseudoscope. By filming the target with a stereoscopic camera and reversing the left/right videos, the same illusion can be seen without a pseudoscope.

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